The National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training CentersIn the United States:
Healthcare providers and their organizations need access to state-of-the-art STD training, consultation and technical assistance. It is important for healthcare providers to correctly screen, diagnose, treat, and manage their patients with STDs.

And cost the American healthcare system billions and billions of dollars.
$16,000,000,000The annual direct cost of STDs
We Can Help
The National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assist clinicians in the United States with the skills, knowledge and experience that they need to address and prevent STDs in their patients.
The NNPTC is made up of 8 regional centers assisting clinicians in their training area and 2 national centers working on specific project areas.
About the Centers
Every year, the NNPTC delivers…
620 in-person events
State-of-the-art STD diagnosis, treatment, and management trainings delivered across the country
65 webinars
Local, regional, and national trainings covering the spectrum of STD topics
700+ hours
Free expert STD clinical consultation to providers across the United States
27K hours
Free or low-cost continuing medical education (CME) or CNE credit from the National STD Curriculum's online modules and question bank

Every month, thousands earn free CME or CNE credit from the National STD Curriculum's online modules and question bank.

The NNPTC Quality Improvement Center helps STD facilities to improve their services.

The NNPTC online clinical consultation service (STDCCN.org) provides STD clinical consultation to healthcare providers in all states and U.S. territories.

The NNPTC STD Clinical Toolbox mobile app for healthcare providers is available for iOS and will be available soon for Android.
The NNPTC also provides technical assistance to help STD clinics and other health facilities provide more efficient and effective services.
- Express visits
- Motivational interviewing and sexual history skills
- Clinic screening protocols
- Extragenital testing
- Male and female exam skills
- Wet prep microscopy training
- STD point-of-care testing
- Expedited partner therapy (EPT) protocols and training
- Online continuing education opportunities